What is Cell Therapy?

Cell Therapy is therapy in which cellular material is injected into a patient to trigger regeneration.  For example, using the extracted active cells of a specific organ from animal foetuses to repair the tissues of the corresponding damaged human organ. The mammals’ cells, amino acids and protein structures are very similar to those of humans, so our body can accept and make use of these cells for purposes like health care and anti-aging treatments. Sheep and rabbits are good and most common choices of mammals for cell therapy for multiple reasons: The proteins of the sheep are highly compatible to humans and do not cause allergy. Also, sheep’s vitality and excellent immune system in resisting diseases make sheep placenta the best source of placenta. Rabbits are also a good choice because in medical history so far there is no record indicating transmission of virus from rabbits over to humans.

The extracted organ cells from the foetuses have no immune antigen, therefore these injected cells will not be defended by the body as foreign bodies. According to Dr. Paul Niehans’s theory, the injected organ cells will flow back to the corresponding human organs (such as liver cells go back to the liver, heart cells go back to the heart and so on). These young functional cells will stimulate the aged and damaged cells to be effective again, and to retain the organ’s original viability and vitality. Cell Therapy is clinically proven to be one of the most effective and safe ways for anti-aging.


What are the effects of Cell Therapy?

Cell Therapy is often used in the treatment of premature aging, physical weakness, and vitality deterioration. By stimulating specific organs with active cells, the therapy can revive the body, slow down aging, extend youthness, make your appearance younger, and maintain good health with lasting effects. Many doctors believe the most important effect of Cell Therapy is that it can strengthen the body’s immune defense system. If the body’s immune system cells are damaged, the body would be left unguarded and easily damaged by external and internal degradation.

The immune system can be rejuvenated by Cell Therapy. The active young cells can effectively boost the body’s defense system against metabolic diseases and atherosclerosis. Cell therapy can improve brain power and also stimulate growth factor that allows the body to function properly like the youth. You may consider Cell therapy as an alternative treatment or for anti-aging purposes. Everyone wants to live with a long, youthful, and healthy life. There are many benefits for Cell therapy, besides its significance in delaying aging, it can also help you restore health, vitality and regain stamina, giving you back a fruitful life that you are well deserved.

Who is suitable for Cell Therapy?

There is no specific age range for Cell Therapy, it is suitable for any age, especially for those who wish to increase their physical quality and energy level due to premature aging. Young people can also receive Cell Therapy as a prevention of premature aging or treatment. Many movie stars and celebrities, including comedian Charlie Chaplin and international film star Audrey Hepburn, heads of state, well-known athletes choose Cell Therapy. They are satisfied with the benefits of this therapy that enhances their physical and mental health. It helps to slow down their aging and prolonging their youthful appearance. More than 50,000 medical articles worldwide have been written to demonstrate the benefits and excellence of Cell Therapy for anti-aging and medical treatment.